Our declaration on Environment
The world is changing, and NSNA acknowledges global environmental issues as a major focus of our business management. Our corporate activities place high importance on “motivation” , “society” , “customers” and “people”, and we will endeavor to create a safe society which co-exists in harmony with the environment while providing high-value-added products and services.
Environmental policy
Through our corporate activities of development, design, manufacture and sales of instrument clusters, consumer products, and display products, NSNA will promote and continuously improve our awareness of environmental management. We strive to implement environmental policies that can aid in the prevention of global warming, efficient use of resources, and prevention of environmental pollution.
1.The means of compliance will be expressed in relevant management procedures and standards, and all restrictions and standard values will be complied under appropriate observation. We will make every effort to improve our impact on the environment.
2.We will establish environmental objectives and targets under the analysis of social situations and customers’ requirements. The environment management program will be planned, practiced, assessed, and revised under the PDCA-cycle. Particularly, we will approach the following issues in close coordination with our corporate activities and make continuous improvements in:
3. We will promote the reduction of waste and implement activities for global environmental preservation in every stage of the products from development and design to manufacture. We will make every effort to produce products which are environment-friendly throughout their life cycle.
4. We will establish and maintain the environment management system to accomplish these activities based on this Environmental Policy. We will provide environmental education and promote environmental issues to all our employees.