Global environmental issues, such as global warming, resource depletion and ecosystem deterioration, have been growing concerns worldwide. NSNA acknowledges these global environmental issues as primary importance to management, and therefore, promotes activities to realize our objective of creating and maintaining a green footprint.
Our products consist of parts, raw materials, and secondary materials delivered from suppliers. Therefore, cooperative efforts among suppliers and our facilities are essential to satisfy customer’s requirements while maintaining our green commitment.
Recent regulations, such as the EU RoHS Directive and EU REACH Regulations, restrict the usage of chemical substances locally and globally. As global procurement and manufacturing increase, the consequences of lax standards are severe. In view of this and ever-changing regulations, our NSNA Green Procurement Guidelines is regularly revised.
Our new NSNA Green Procurement Guidelines includes a clear scope of applications, with additions of new requirements to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve conservation of biodiversity, and increase sustainable growth for both our company and our suppliers. As always, we appreciate your understanding and your cooperation in disclosing data as necessary to keep our shared knowledge current — for everyone’s benefit.
Promoting green procurement activities can only happen through suppliers’ understanding and support to our NS Green Procurement Guidelines. NSNA will seek partnerships with suppliers who comply with these guidelines, so we can work together on environmental issues.